Using a unique multiparameter-analysis approach, LipoFIT is able to illustrate and monitor complex metabolic processes (e.g. pharmacokinetics and -dynamics) as well as metabolic status in the human body. This serves as a basis for a sophisticated estimation of risk and an effective therapy of patients. For example, LipoFIT offers a test for analysing the lipoprotein-profile of a patient. On the basis of this profile, physicíans can estimate the individual risk for cardiovascular diseases. Additionally, NMR-data allow for a personalized medication on the basis of the metabolic status of the patient and provide important information on the effectiveness of drugs. Our NMR-based technology is also applicable in studies examining the effects of nutrition on the metabolic status and its correlation with diseases.
With the NMR-technology, LipoFIT can measure and quantify all organic agents in a sample e.g. from urine, blood plasma and serum, so that our clients have a huge database to rely on. LipoFIT offers a unique IP-protected know-how for the analysis and interpretation of NMR-data with which we detect typical patterns which are correlated with certain diseases or conditions. Our spectrum of services includes the archival storage of samples and data. This allows for reproducibility of results and offers the possibility of analysing existing data towards new questions.
The possibilities of our NMR-technology and IP-protected know-how qualify LipoFIT being Europe’s leading diagnostic company for supporting clinical studies. Many visitors at the Forum Life Science 2011 showed great interest in our services.
For further information please contact:
Christiane Proll MBA
numares GmbH
Josef- Engert- Str. 9
93053 Regensburg
Tel.: +49 941 280949-14
Email: christiane.proll(at)