LipoFIT Analytic GmbH is well known for its top level quality standards and customer services. Now being ISO certified, LipoFIT is the only service provider in the NMR-sector witha certified quality management system (QMS) also in the field of medical devices.
“The reliability and top level quality of our work is the most decisive matter for us”, states Dr. Fritz Huber, CEO of LipoFIT, “By certification we want to stress the level of our standard once again. It will also enable us to identify further improvements. We are committed to keep up and even exceed our high level standards and thus constantly aim on further improvement. It is of great importance to us to have our QMS inspected and approved by an independent notified body.
”With the establishment of the quality management system and its certification by DIN EN ISO13485:2003 and ISO 9001:2000 LipoFIT reached another landmark in the implementation of NMR-analytics decisively committed to top level customer service. LipoFIT customers with activities in the medical and pharmaceutical field profit from the conduction of clinical studies at top level standards. Importers of pharmaceuticals and customers from the biotech industry stand to benefit from the optimized customer communications and extraordinary rapid sample processing.
For further information please contact:
Christiane Proll MBA
numares GmbH
Josef- Engert- Str. 9
93053 Regensburg
Tel.: +49 941 280949-14
Email: christiane.proll(at)